Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Glazed pieces

I was so delighted to see the finish on the first four pieces that came out of the kiln. The glaze was lovely and the black had come out really intensely. Unfortunately though, the tecnician had rubbed the glaze from the rim of the pots so that presumably the lids could be fired on the pots. This gave a disappointing finish so I need to find out a way to keep the glaze on the rim of the pots and still fire the lids properly.

I was concerned that the first two pots I had done with the slip decoration would be very like footballs and while I do feel they are certainly a little too suggestive of footballs, I quite liked them as pieces.

I was really pleasesd with the other type of decoration, in painting the stain straight on. My first small pot had a lovely finish.

Very sadly however, the final three pieces done with this same preferred type of decoration were not fired to high enough a temperature due to a malfunction of the kiln so the glaze did not vitrify properly. there wasn't time to have these three re-fired. It was disappointing but hopefully I can fire them again to 1250 and they will come out nicely.

The final three pots. The glaze is opaque in places as they need to be re-fired.